Que: What is stammering?

Ans: Stammering is not a disease. It is just a bad habit. Old habits die hard, but if your willpower is strong enough, you can change your habits with practice at any point in your lifetime. You can also change your bad habits by practice. It is just because high speed, short breath and pshychology due to following reasons.

  • Physical weakness due to some illness.
  • Some fear.
  • Imitating a stammerer.
  • Accident or some mis-happening.
  • While playing, children talk with each other very much.

Due to lack of breath, a person starts speaking with pauses and interruptions (as speech develops from breath). But, he does not want to speak with breaks. Since he is not aware of the actual cause of these interruptions, he tries to speak more words in that short breath. The result is an abnormal increase in the speed of speech. Trying to speak more in a short breath causes stammering and this becomes a habit. This precisely is the concept of stammering.

Reasons of Stammering – Haklane ke Reasons

Que: What is Psychology in stammering ?

Ans: If a person regularly stammers from childhood, it can create a negative mindset and inferiority complex in his mind. Even before speaking, he will be frightened and think that he will definitely break in his speech. This fear aggravates his problem and lowers the confidence. This is the “Psychology” involved in the process of stammering.
Some people subconsciously think too much about this problem. For them, a few words which are used frequently create more problems for them due to high speed.

Technically, stammering is the same, but its depth varies from person to person. A person, who gives more thought and attention to it, is likely to suffer more than someone who overlooks it.

Que: Sometimes I speak out a particular word fluently, but sometimes stammer on the same word. Why is it so?

Ans: In some situations, your mind is relaxed and you are hardly paying attentiion to your problem. In such as case, your speech is likely to be fluent. However, when your mind is too conscious about this problem, you may stammer on the same words.

Reasons of Stammering – Haklane ke Reasons

Que: Is stammering curable?

Ans: Of course, stammering is curable. You can also cure yourself in a month under the guidance and treatment of speech therapist Bhagwant Anmol.

Que: Why we don’t stammer while singing?

Ans: You don’t stammer while singing because your speed is slow and you there is no psychological imbalance while singing.

Que: How much time will it take to over come stammering?

Ans: It entirely depends upon on you and how much you practice. If you are a positive thinker, then you will definitely cure your stammering within a month.


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Reasons of Stammering – Haklane ke Reasons