Bhagwant Anmol is an Best selling Author, Motivational speaker and speech therapist. He was working in a reputed software company in Bangalore. He quit his job to help people who are strugging in their speech. He was also suffering from stammering in his childhood and he overcame in his early twenties. Now he is helping students to overcome stammering. He is giving speeches to overcome it. He has started a movement called “Bolega India, badhega India.” If you are suffering from stammering or articulation, You can join this movement Bolega India, Badhega India and help yourself to live stammer free life. Indian Institute of speech therapy is small but trustworthy speech therapy, where hundreds of student overcome stammering Every year. Bhagwant Anmol, Speech therapist says “ When someone reaches our institute, our full concern is to make his life stammer free. We work hard on the student and we get 90% success rate in our classroom program “